JULES (the Joint UK Land Environment Simulator) is a community land surface model that is used both as a standalone model and as the land surface component in the Met Office Unified Model. JULES is a core component of both the Met Office's modelling infrastructure and NERC's Earth System Modelling Strategy. JULES is a major part of the UK's contribution to global model intercomparison projects (e.g. CMIP6) and is placed firmly at the cutting edge of international land surface modelling because of continual science development and improved accessibility.
JULES has been developed by a wide community of UK researchers, coordinated by UKMO and UKCEH. By allowing different land surface processes (surface energy balance, hydrological cycle, carbon cycle, dynamic vegetation, etc.) to interact with each other, JULES provides a framework to assess the impact of modifying a particular process on the ecosystem as a whole, e.g. the impact of climate change on hydrology, and to study potential feedbacks.