A short, hands-on training course was held in the use of JULES directly following the Annual Science Meeting at Lancaster Environment Centre 28-29th June 2016. The course was led by Toby Marthews and included instructions from JULES users at both the Met Office and CEH. The course was aimed at all existing or potential users of JULES and provided a general guide to compiling and running the stand-alone version of the model, including explanation of the resources needed and how to interpret the output, and an overview of JULES development and version control. There was also a workshop component giving participants an opportunity to run the model themselves, following tutorial examples at their own pace, under the guidance of demonstrators.
- Introduction to JULES - Garry Hayman
- Resources for JULES - Heather Ashton & Kerry Smout-Day
- Interpreting JULES Output - Emma Robinson
- Basics of JULES Development - Richard Gilham (n.b. no soundtrack on that video, but watch it with this webpage open and it should make sense)
Practical session resources (all are designed to be self-guided practicals so please just download and get started):
- Practical 1 (Toby Marthews, CEH; how to run JULES at a single point, based on a Loobos (NED) example) (this was updated April 2017 and split into the material on Getting started and my JULES from Scratch course)
- Practical 2 (Alberto Martinez, CEH; how to run JULES on a grid, based on a River Thames (UK) example)
- Data visualisation example in Python (Emma Robinson, CEH)
- Data visualisation example in R (Becky Oliver, CEH)
Special thanks to: Oliver Wild for all his fantastic organisation of the venue and facilities in Lancaster; Andy Everitt at CEH Wallingford for setting up and making available to us a temporary server for use with our practical sessions; my speakers and practical preparers who assembled their material and presented them in the course all on their free time and my great Demonstrators (see photo) who put in a huge amount of work on the days helping everyone with their questions and dealing with issues and a few unforeseen problems as they arose.