JULES science meetings

The JULES community has had regular science meetings since 2007, where researchers working with JULES are invited to present results. Anyone with any kind of interest in JULES is welcome to attend. These meetings are an excellent opportunity to showcase work using (or relevant to) JULES and meet fellow researchers using JULES. Members of the JULES community are strongly encouraged to attend if at all possible.

JULES science meetings usually take place over 2-3 days, with delegates arriving for lunch on the first day and leaving after lunch on the last day. There is also usually an evening dinner for participants (not included in the conference fee).

22. The next JULES Science Meeting 2025 will be held most likely in Autumn 2025.

21. JULES Annual Science Meeting 4-5th September 2024 (hosted by UKCEH), in Wallingford, UK (Jump to Meeting Details)

20. JULES Annual Science Meeting 14-15th September 2023 (hosted by Univ. Exeter), in Exeter, UK (Jump to Meeting Details)

19. JULES Open Science Meeting 14-16th September 2022 (hosted by UKCEH and Univ. Oxford), in Oxford, UK (Jump to Meeting Details)

18. JULES Remote Open Science Meeting 14-17th September 2021, online-only (hosted by UKCEH and Univ. Exeter) (Jump to Meeting Details)

17. JULES Remote Open Science Meeting 7-11th September 2020, online-only (hosted by UKCEH) (Jump to Meeting Details)

16. JULES Science Meeting 22-23rd July 2019, Univ. Edinburgh (Jump to Meeting Details)

15. JULES Science Meeting 4-6th September 2018, Harper Adams University (HAU) and the Birmingham Institute of Forest Research (BIFoR) (Jump to Meeting Details)

14. JULES Science Meeting 26-28th June 2017, Met Office Exeter (Jump to Meeting Details)

13. JULES Science Meeting 28-29th June 2016, Univ. Lancaster (Jump to Meeting Details)

12. JULES Science Meeting 30th June - 1st July 2015, Univ. Reading (Jump to Meeting Details)

11. JULES Science Meeting 1st-2nd July 2014, Univ. Leicester (Jump to Meeting Details)

10. JULES Science Meeting 19-20th June 2013, Univ. Edinburgh (Jump to Meeting Details)

9. JULES Science Meeting 17-18th December 2012, Univ. Exeter (Jump to Meeting Details)

8. JULES Science Meeting 12-13th January 2012, Univ. Reading (Jump to Meeting Details)

7. JULES Workshop June 2011, Univ. Exeter (Jump to Meeting Details)

6. JULES Science Meeting 12-13th January 2011, CEH Wallingford (Jump to Meeting Details)

5. JULES Science Meeting 9-10th June 2010, Univ. Leeds (Jump to Meeting Details)

4. JULES Science Meeting 17-18th June 2009, Met Office Exeter (Jump to Meeting Details)

3. JULES Science Meeting 8-9th January 2009, Univ. Edinburgh (Jump to Meeting Details)

2. Second JULES Science Meeting 8-9th January 2008, CEH Wallingford (Jump to Meeting Details)

1. First JULES Science Meeting 28-29th June 2007, Univ. Exeter (Jump to Meeting Details)

JULES Launch event 2nd October 2006, Univ. Reading (Jump to Meeting Details)


JULES Annual Science Meeting 4-5th September 2024

The JULES Meeting 2024 was held at UKCEH Wallingford.

     Session 1

(Doug Clark)

Emma Robinson Welcome
Emma Robinson/Rich Ellis

Module leader update: SciApps committee - PDF

Arthur Argles (online) Module leader update: Vegetation demography (RED) - PDF
John Edwards/Rich Ellis Module leader update: Surface - PDF
Nic Gedney/Sonja Folwell Module leader update: Hydrology - PDF
Lina Mercado/Becky Oliver/Karina Williams Module leader update: Vegetation - PDF
Hashmi Fatima Soil Moisture Analysis over Hilly terrain for landslide warning during Heavy Precipitation - PDF
Emily Black A JULES-based system for daily to seasonal forecasts of soil moisture - PDF

     Session 2

(Doug Kelley)

Simon Jones Modelling forest mortality during drought - PDF
Cale Baguley Modelling the immediate and legacy impact of extreme summers on European trees - PDF
Yanghang Ren Incorporating the acclimation of photosynthesis and leaf respiration in the Noah-MP land surface model: model development and evaluation - PDF
Rich Ellis ISIMIP status - PDF
Amy Peace UKESM status - PDF
Eleanor Blyth Roadmap and Strategy for JULES software development - PDF

     Session 3

(Emma Robinson/Rich Ellis)

Breakout groups (15:30-16:30, day 1):
1. JULES 2034: What software improvements are needed over the next 10 years? What will the JULES community look like in 10 years? (Eleanor Blyth)
2. Vegetation disturbance & recovery (Simon Jones)
3. Exploiting JULES for climate services and impacts (Doug Kelley)
4. UKESM: JULES developments and evaluation for earth system modelling (Amy Peace/Phil Harris)

  Break out groups report back - TXT

     Session 4

(Liz Cooper)

Siyuan Tian (online) Module leader update: Evaluation - PDF
Eleanor Burke/Noah Smith Module leader update: Biogeochemistry - PDF
Garry Hayman/James Weber Module leader update: Biogenic fluxes - PDF
Doug Kelley/Chantelle Burton Module leader update:Fire - PDF
Claire Carouge (online) SVN to Git: lessons learnt from CABLE - PDF
Emma Robinson ExaJULES: model development for a JULES LFRic app - PDF
Nic Gedney Uncertainty in the future water budget of the Amazon basin due to land parameter and climate uncertainty - PDF
Beiyao Xu Calibration of rice parameters in JULES 7.4 based on the O3-FACE experiment in China - PDF

     Session 5

(Garry Hayman)

John Edwards (online) Towards coastal inundation in JULES - PDF
Toby Marthews JULES-related tasks of the CHAMFER and NC-International projects - PDF
Mike O'Sullivan Improving fire disturbance in JULES for the Global Carbon Budget - PDF
Doug Kelley State of Wildfires report - PDF
Chantelle Burton and Seppe Lampe (Doug Kelley presenting) Global Burned Area Increasingly Explained By Climate Change - [Embargoed temporarily]
Amy Peace Towards UKESM2: The Role of Interactive Fire on Atmospheric Composition and Climate - PDF

     Session 6

(Toby Marthews)

Peter Cook Risks of carbon loss from the Congo Peatlands due to climate and land use change - PDF
Noah Smith For peat’s sake – necessary modifications for representing the largest terrestrial carbon store - PDF
Rob Parker Towards a Digital Twin of Tropical Wetland Methane Emissions - PDF
Cristina Ruiz Villena Machine-Learning Emulators of Land Surface Model ‘JULES’ as Digital Twin building blocks - PDF
James Weber Evaluating isoprene columns in UKESM and exploring the use of machine learning to improving emission factors - PDF
Garry Hayman Ozone impact on vegetation resulting from different Methane Pledge scenarios - PDF
  Meeting Wrap Up

Group photo:




JULES Annual Science Meeting 14-15th September 2023

The JULES Meeting 2023 was preceded by a half-day JULES Short Course on 13th September by Toby Marthews, Arthur Argles & Carolina Duran-Rojas (slides for this were the JULES From Scratch tutorial and Examples of JULES Applications, postprocessing and visualising outputs). Timetable: Agenda

Arthur Argles, Nina Raoult Introduction to Science Meeting - PDF

     Session 1

(Richard Gilham, Emma Robinson)

JULES Technical Developments
Richard Gilham, Giorgia Line, Jenny Hickson, Lianne Parkhouse

Securing the technical future of JULES - PDF

Emma Robinson Development of a JULES LFRic miniapp (ExaJULES) - PDF
Emma Robinson,
Rachael Turton
SciApps committee update - PDF

     Session 2

(Eddy Robertson)

Module Updates

Lina Mercado Vegetation - PDF
Claire Carouge CABLE - PDF
John Edwards

Surface - PDF

Eleanor Burke Biogeochemistry
Chantelle Burton / Doug Kelley Fire - PDF
Sonja Folwell Hydrology - PDF

     Session 3

(Eleanor Burke)

JULES Science Developments
Douglas Clark

JULES in the Hydro-JULES project - PDF

Toby Marthews Progress towards better representation of rivers and inundation in a coupled JULES environment - PDF
Noah Smith Lateral thinking: simulating thermokarst of permafrost peat plateaus - PDF
Wenyao Gan Implementing optimality theory based plants' instantaneous and long term acclimation in JULES - PDF
Becky Oliver Modelling Dynamic Carbon Allocation - PDF
Simon Jones The impact of non-structural carbohydrates in simulations of tropical plant respiration - PDF

     Session 4

(Nina Raoult)

JULES Evaluations
Christoph Rüdiger JULES in Australia – the Bureau of Meteorology's plans for seamless land surface modelling - PDF
Fitsum Woldemeskel Assessment of the JULES land surface model for simulating streamflow in Australia - PDF
Jong Ahn Chun Assessment of Water and Energy Budgets for Subseasonal Climate Forecasting in Major Basins - PDF
Hsi-Kai Chou

Evaluating the carbon sequestration efficiency with vegetation dynamic using JULES-RED - PDF

Enimhien Akhabue Modelling the resilience of ecosystem service provision in African Landscapes - PDF
Sebastián González Caro Photosynthesis of tropical Andean tree species: insights from mechanistic modeling and sensitivity analysis - PDF

     Session 5

Breakout groups MS Teams (16:00-17:00, day 1):
BOG1 - Evaluation and Calibration (Nina Raoult)
BOG2 – Technical (Richard Gilham)
BOG3 – ISIMIP (Andrew Hartley)
BOG4 – Hydro-JULES (Elizabeth Cooper)
BOG5 – CSSP Brazil (Arthur Argles)

Arthur Argles, Nina Raoult Wrap up of first day including feedback from BOG’s

     Session 6

(Simon Jones)

(Intro): JULES Predictions
Camilla Mathison Showcasing PRIME: Probabilistic Regional Impacts from Model patterns and Emissions - PDF
Garry Hayman Atmospheric Dry Deposition in JULES - PDF
Andrew Hartley JULES as an impacts model - PDF
Danyang Gao JULES-Based Runoff Simulation and Runoff Responses to Climate Change in China
Peter Cook Using JULES to Model the Congo Peatlands - PDF
Phil Harris The global land carbon sink response to the thermal acclimation of photosynthesis in JULES

     Session 7

(Camilla Mathison)

JULES Disturbances
Jess Stacey Predictions of future water scarcity: How important is the plant physiological response to rising CO2? - PDF
Chantelle Burton Fire weakens land carbon sinks before 1.5℃ in JULES - PDF
Douglas Kelley The burning question: Are fire models suitable for climate attribution studies & projections? - PDF
Oliver Perkins Capturing human-Earth system feedbacks in JULES: the case of fire - PDF
Maria Lucia Ferreira Barbosa Critical drivers of fire in Brazilian biomes: a novel approach using the Concept of Maximum Entropy - PDF
Renata Moura da Veiga Simulating prescribed burning to investigate its effect on fire emissions in Cerrado using JULES-INFERNO - PDF
Arthur Argles, Nina Raoult JULES Annual Science Meeting Wrap Up - PDF

Group photo:

Group photo



The meeting was followed by meetings for the JULES Science Application (SciApps) and Joint Land Modelling Programme (JLMP) committee meetings.


JULES Open Science Meeting 14-16th September 2022

The JULES Meeting 2022 was preceded by a half-day JULES Short Course by Toby Marthews & Emma Robinson  - JULES Half-day Course schedule Sep 2022.pdf

Note that UK Met Office Personnel did not present at this meeting because they were observing the national period of mourning following the death of HRH Elizabeth II.

Timetable:  - JULES_meeting_agenda_2022.pdf

     Session 1 (Rich Ellis and Emma Robinson)  
Rachael Turton Welcome & Introduction
Patrick McGuire

AMIP-style global soil simulations with JULES and the Unified Model: The role of soil hydraulics model, pedotransfer function, and basic soil property map  - 1_Patrick_McGuire_EtAl_soils_JULES_20220912v4b_withnarrations2.pdf

Noah Smith A (sub-grid) song of ice and thaw  - 2_Smith_Noah_JULES open science meeting 2022 - A song of ice and thaw.pdf
Tristan Quaife The role of JULES in the NCEO International Programme  - 3_Quaife_Tristan_JULES22_webversion.pdf
James Weber

Updated Isoprene and Terpene Emission Factors for the Interactive BVOC Emission Scheme (iBVOC) in the Joint UK Land Environment Simulator (JULES)  - 1_James_Weber_JULES_22.pdf

Elise Dehaen Modelling the carbon sink in tropical peatlands  - 2_Elise_Dehaen_website.pdf
Richard Betts / Peter Cook Using JULES to model the Congo Peatlands  - 3_Richard_Betts_JULES_CongoPeat_PCook_RBetts_150922.pdf
André Nakhavali

Representation of the phosphorus cycle in the Joint UK Land Environment Simulator  - 4_Andre_Nakhavali-JULES-meeting-2022.pdf

     Session 2 (Tristan Quaife and Noah Smith)  
Module updates

Surface - 1_Surface_Module_Ellis_Rich_JULES_Surf_2022_JME.pdf

Hydrology - 2_JULES-HYDROLOGY Module Update Sep2022 1.pdf

Evaluation  - 3_Evaluation-module-2021-2022-Weedon-Robinson.pdf

Emma Littleton JULES-BE: new options for crop and wood plantations and harvesting in JULES vn7.0  - 4_Emma_Littleton_20220915_Littleton_JULES-BE.pdf
Arthur Argles Vegetation Demography and Dynamics in a Next-Generation Biogeochemical Scheme  - 5_Arthur_Argles_JR_annual_workshop_AA.pdf
Katie Blackford Representing northern high latitude peat fires in JULES-INFERNO  - 6_Katie_Blackford_peatfires_JULESconf.pdf
Lina Mercado Nocturnal plant respiration is under strong non-temperature control
Robert Parker Developing Machine-Learning Based Emulators for the JULES Land Surface Model  - 1_Parker_Rob_jules_emulators.pdf
Elizabeth Cooper Grid cell clustering approaches for JULES  - 2_Elizabeth_Cooper_JULES_LRU_2022.pdf
Helen Baron Water Resource Management in JULES  - 3_Baron_Helen_JULES_meeting22_HEB.pdf
Emma Robinson Geological controls of discharge variability in the Thames Basin, UK from cross-spectral analyses: observations versus modelling  - 4_Robinson Emma - Weedon-et-al-2022-Geological-controls-of-discharge-variability-Thames-Basin-JULES-Annual-meeting.pdf
Toby Marthews

Rivers, inundation and validation against observations  -  5_20220915_Marthews_Rivers_ inundation etc.pdf

     Session 3 (Anna Harper and Elizabeth Cooper)  
Module updates 2

Fire  -  1_JULES Fire Module Update 2022 .pdf

CABLE Science  -  2_CABLE_Module_2022 JULESworkshop .pdf

Biogenic fluxes  -  3_Module ‘Biogenic Fluxes’ Highlights 2022 Emma Robinson.pdf

Vegetation  -  5_Jules veg updates 2022-edited.pdf

Veg3 RED Demography  -  6_veg3_module_update_annual_workshop_AA.pdf


IMOGEN and soil biogeochemistry  -  4_JULES_imogen_soilBGC_2022-Emma Robinson.pdf

Emma Robinson Science and applications committee update  -  7_Robinson_Emma_-_Science_and_Applications_Committee_update_To_upload.pdf
Garry Hayman

Modelling winter wheat in the UK using JULES Crop  -  8_Hayman_20220916.pdf

Doug Kelley

Steps towards attributing tropical forest carbon loss to fire for informing emission reduction financing buffers  -  9_Doug_Kelley_REDD+_compressed.pdf

Ian Harman Australia’s terrestrial carbon balance: Perspectives from multiple configurations of the CABLE-CASA-CNP land model  -  1_Harman_JULES_title_only_slide.pdf
Sandy Harrison Empirical modelling of fire regimes and vegetation responses to fire  -  2_Harrison_Sandy_compressed.pdf
Iain Colin Prentice Optimality-based predictions of global patterns and trends in vegetation cover  -  3_Prentice_Colin_Title_slide_only.pdf
Anna Harper / Karina Williams Soil moisture stress JPEG report  -  4_JULES_JPEGupdate_sept2022.pdf
Doug Kelley Release of the first standard configurations for standalone JULES  -  5_doug_kelley_jules_meeting_2022_HRumbold.pdf
Eleanor Blyth Report from Land Surface Modelling Summit 
Rachael Turton Wrap up / Discussion


JULES Remote Open Science Meeting 14-17th September 2021

All sessions held on Microsoft Teams. Timetable: -  JULES Annual Conference 2021 Timetable.pdf

     Session 1: Introduction and module updates (chair: Rachael Turton)  
Sarah Chadburn Welcome, Introduction & House Admin
John Edwards/Rich Ellis Surface  -  SurfMod_JULES21.pdf
Nic Gedney/Anne Verhoef Hydrology
Lina Mercado/Karina Williams Vegetation
Eleanor Burke/Sarah Chadburn Biogeochemistry  -  JULES-soil-biogeochemistry.pdf
Gerd Folberth/Kirsti Ashworth Biogenic Fluxes
Chantelle Burton/Doug Kelley Fire  -  JULES fire module presentation.pdf
Tristan Quaife/Graham Weedon Evaluation
Eleanor Burke/Chris Huntingford IMOGEN  -  JULES-IMOGEN.pdf
Ian Harman/Rachel Law CABLE  -  CABLE_module_update_20210914r1.pdf
All Group Discussion
     Session 2: JULES and JPEGs updates (chair: Sarah Chadburn, question convenor: Carolina Duran-Rojas)  
Richard Gilham JULES and the Next Generation Modelling System  -  JULES & the Next-Generation Modelling System No cubesphere.pdf
Eleanor Burke JULES-IMOGEN - an intermediate climate model used to represent carbon feedbacks
Doug Kelley JPEG Mortality  -  Veg JPEG (1).pdf
Anna Harper JPEG Soil Moisture stress  -  JULES_JPEGupdate_sept2021_compressed.pdf
Karina Williams JPEG Soil Evaporation  -  karinawilliams_jules-soil-evap-jpeg_jules2021meeting_compressed.pdf
Karina Williams JPEG JULES Face  -  karinawilliams_jules-face-working-group_jules2021meeting-truncated_compressed.pdf
Tristan Quaife JPEG Canopy Processes
All JPEG Discussion
Eleanor Blyth JULES annual conference September 2022
     Session 3: Biogeochemistry, Biogenic fluxes and Hydrology (chair: Eleanor Burke, question convenor: Joe Clarke)  
Eddy Robertson How to spin-up the slow components of JULES  -  jules_soil_carbon_spinup.pdf
Matthew Wiggins Modelling Equilibrium Soil Carbon using JULES  -  Modelling_Equilibrium_Soil_carbon_using_JULES_MW_20092021.pdf
Gareth Davey Considering water table dynamics may improve models of methane emissions from global wetlands
Sarah Chadburn JULES-Peat: A new approach to simulate peat accumulation,
            degradation and stability  -  JULESmeeting_2021_Chadburn.pdf
Semeena Shamsudheen & Garry Hayman Atmospheric Dry Deposition in JULES  -  JULES_Deposition_SVS_20210915 .pdf
Robert Parker The ESA Digital Twin Earth Precursor - Climate Impact Explorer  -  rjp23_DTE_JULES_2021_compressed.pdf
All Welcome to new community members:
            ● Assumpta Onyeagoziri  -  Intro Slide for Jules conf 2021.pdf
            ● Giuseppe Degan Di Dieco
            ● Merve Gorguner
     Session 4: Hydrology (chair: Anne Verhoef, question convenor: Liz Cooper)  
Toby Marthews Inundation prediction at global scale using JULES and CaMa-Flood: progress and future challenges  -  20210915_Marthews_river inundation.pdf
Jasdeep Anand A Machine Learning emulator of JULES soil moisture: Applications to African drought  -  jsa_julesws_092021_compressed.pdf
Heather Rumbold Demonstrating the impact of coupled irrigation over the Iberian semi-arid environment  -  jules_meeting_2021_HRumbold_compressed.pdf
Sihan Li Seasonal planning for monsoon-related multi-hazards: using Hydro-JULES to predict landslide susceptibility in Nepal  -  JULES_meeting_15sep2021_SihanLi_compressed.pdf
Marcus Buechel Potential hydrological implications of widespread afforestation in Great Britain  -  JULES_Conference_150921_Share_compressed.pdf
Noah Smith Strengthening the foundations for explicitly modelling microtopography in permafrost landscapes  -  Noah Smith - explicitly modelling microtopograpy - JULES 2021_compressed.pdf
Helen Johnson Introducing the freshwater lake model: FLake  -  FLake_JULESmeeting2021.pdf
     Session 5: Vegetation and Fire (chair: Anna Harper, question convenor: Simon Jones)  
Martin De Kauwe Examining the vulnerability of Australian Eucalypts to future drought-induced tree mortality  -  JULES_Euc_drought_compressed.pdf
Arthur Argles JULES RED simulations of forest demography and resilience in Brazil and RED version 2  -  JULES-RED simulations of forest demography and resilience in.pdf
Mike Wolffe Quantifying the Impacts of Particulate Matter Deposition on Global Cereal Crops  -  JULES Presentation 16-09-21.pdf
Jeremy Walton From Amazon to Desert: Characterizing Biomes using Machine Learning
Rodolfo Nóbrega The use of Earth observation-based methods to enlighten land-surface modelling: evidence for the soil–water stress functions
Rob King Using LST-Air Temperature Difference as a metric of Vegetation Moisture Stress
All Welcome to new community members:
            ● Timothy Lam  -  SelfIntro_JULES_TL.pdf
            ● Matt Kasoar  -  JULES_meeting_2021_MK_intro_slide.pdf
            ● Anastasios Rovithakis
            ● Katie Blackford  -  JULES_conf_intro_slide.pdf
     Session 6: Vegetation and Fire (chair: Lina Mercado, question convenor: Arthur Argles)  
Wenjia Cai Recent trends and drivers in gross primary production  -  JULES_Wenjia Cai_compressed.pdf
Simon Jones Non-structural Carbohydrate at the global scale and their relationship with atmospheric CO2 variability  -  Non-structural carbohydrates and the variability of global carbon_compressed.pdf
Giulia Mengoli Ecosystem photosynthesis in land-surface models: a first-principles approach
Douglas Kelley Observational constraints on future shifts in fire regimes using JULES-ES/ISIMIP2b/ConFire
Chantelle Burton South American fires and their impacts on ecosystems increase with continued emissions  -  CBurton_FutureFires.pdf
Lewis Palmer Testing the JULES Model for predicting spatio-temporal variations in stable carbon isotopes over the United Kingdom  -  New_JULES_conference3_compressed.pdf
All Group Discussion
     Session 7: CABLE, IMOGEN and evaluation (chair: Andy Wiltshire, question convenor: Noah Smith)  
Ian Harman Land-air interaction within the ACCESS climate models  -  Harman_JULES_science_day_2021.pdf
Ewan Pinnington Using Satellite Observations to Improve Hydrological and Carbon Flux predictions of the JULES Land Surface Model  -  pinnington_jules_092021_compressed.pdf
Andy Hartley JULES-ES for ISIMIP: Multi-sectoral climate impacts with JULES  -  ISIMIP_evaluation_HARTLEY_JULESmeeting-20210917_compressed.pdf
Chris Huntingford and Garry Hayman Investigation of the regional effectiveness of methane and land-based mitigation options to meet the aims of the Paris Climate Agreement using an inverted form of the IMOGEN.
All Group discussion: Future directions for JULES


JULES Remote Open Science Meeting 7-11th September 2020

All sessions were held on Zoom 1pm to 3.30pm. During Session 1, a questionnaire was distributed to all attendees  JULES community questionnaire.txt

     Session 1: JLMP, JPEGS, configurations and Updates (chair Chris Jones, question convenor Rachael Turton)  
Eleanor Blyth Welcome & Introduction
Andy Wiltshire JLMP & GL7  -  JLMP_JULES_AGM_0920.pdf
Chris Jones Carbon Cycle and Nitrogen  -  ChrisJones_JULES_Ncycle_Sep2020.pdf

Karina Williams


JPEG - Soil Moisture Stress on Vegetation  -  karinawilliams_sm-stress-jpeg_jules2020meeting-compressed.pdf

Anne Verhoef JPEG – Bare soil Evaporation  -  ProposedJPEGsoilevaporationSeptember2020.pdf
Doug Kelley JPEG – Mortality  -  MortalityJPEG_Monday_compressed.pdf
Eleanor Burke ES and configurations Further developments of JULES-ES.pptx
Eleanor Blyth Review of land surface models – how do we compare?
Rachael Turton             

JULES community Update


Module Overview Reports for Surface, Hydrology, Vegetation, Biogeochemistry, Biogenic Fluxes, Technical and/or Evaluation

Everyone Group Discussion
            - Next steps for current JPEGs
            - Proposal of future JPEGs.
            - Update on JASMIN
            - Getting your science into the model
     Session 2: Soil Physics (chair Eleanor Burke, question convenor Sarah Chadburn)  
Eleanor Blyth Update on published papers from 2019/2020
Ewan Pinnington Improving soil moisture prediction of JULES using data assimilation with SMAP satellite observations  -  pinnington_julesmeet_2020_send.pdf
Walter Thompson Improving the estimation of canopy interception in Great Britain  -  2020_Jules_Science_Meeting_WT02.pdf
Jian Peng Soil Moisture and Earth Observation
Patrick McGuire Improving the global modeling of soils in JULES and the Unified Model  -  McGuireEtAl_soils_JULESAnnualMeeting_20200907v2b.pdf
Noah Smith The case for explicitly modelling microtopography in permafrost landscapes  -  The case for explicitly modelling microtopography - Noah Smith - 08_09_2020 .pdf
Elizabeth Cooper Infiltration processes in JULES  -  JULESmeeting.pdf
Srujana Donthula The soil water balance for 4 contrasting soil types as calculated by the Ogden et al. (2015) method  -  Srujana Donthula - JULES_Sep 2020_Soil Water Balance 0.5.pdf
Johanna Scheidegger Developing a groundwater flow model of the British mainland – challenges and progress to date  -  Scheidegger_UKMainland_2020_09_short.pdf

Group Discussion
            - Soil Ancillaries

     Session 3: Hydrology (chair Andy Wiltshire, question convenor Elizabeth Cooper)  
Eleanor Blyth Update on the JULES website
Simon Dadson A reduced-complexity model of fluvial inundation configured for use with JULES in the UK
Toby Marthews Validation of inundation prediction from JULES-CaMa-Flood global land surface simulations  -  20200909_Marthews_river inundation.pdf
Doug Clark Developing the representation of standing water, inundation and river routing in JULES  -  Clark_inundation.pdf
Markus Todt Irrigation in JULES land-only simulations over South and East Asia  -  TodtMarkus_JULES_Science_Meeting_20200909.pdf
Hsi-Kai Chou Hydrological modelling of south America headwater catchments with JULES  -  20200909 JULES (Hsi-Kai).pdf
Sarah Collins Including groundwater flow in the JULES LSM – an update  -  Collins_GlobalGW_2020_09_09 - Core photo.pdf
Garry Hayman Observed and Modelled Soil Moisture Response Times in North East Brazil
Marcus Buechel Achieving Net Zero: Understanding the Potential Hydrological Impacts of Changing Climate and Land Cover in the UK  -  Hydro_JULES_09092020.pdf
Helen Baron             

Including water resources management in JULES  -  Baron_Anthro (1).pdf


Group Discussion
            - Getting your science into the model

     Session 4: Vegetation and Biogeochemistry (chair Doug Clark, question convenor Emma Robinson)  
Becky Oliver Incorporating thermal acclimation of photosynthesis in JULES  -  JULES_meeting_100720-2.pdf
Rob King Vegetation “LST-Air Temperature” Stress in UKESM  -  JULES_2020_rpk.pdf
Aliénor Lavergne Implementing stable carbon isotopes into JULES  -  JULES_meeting_2020_Lavergne_compressed.pdf
Colin Prentice How to model Leaf Economics
Mike Wolffe Particulate Matter and Crop Yield Reductions on the North China Plain  -  MWolffe JULES presentation slides - PDF.pdf
Sarah Chadburn Peat accumulation in JULES  -  jules_peat_firstresults2.pdf
Huiyi Yang Developing a new Winter wheat crop in JULES-Crop  -  JULES_Sicience_Meeting_HY.pdf
Eleanor Burke Could the combined carbon and nitrogen permafrost feedback be negative?
Doug Kelley (de-)attributing meteorological drivers of unusual fire season - A Bayesian approach  -  Kelley_fire_Thursday_compressed.pdf
Chantelle Burton Fire in UKESM  -  ChantelleBurton.pdf
     Session 5: Framework, Benchmarking and Impacts (chair Eleanor Blyth, question convenor Tristan Quaife)  
Eleanor Blyth How many impacts should we be aiming for?
Karina Williams Update from the JULES-FACE working group  -  karinawilliams_jules-face-working-group_jules2020meeting.pdf
Thibault Hallouin Implementation of a new blueprint for next generation land-surface and hydrological predictions  -  20200911_jules_science_meeting_Hallouin-et-al.pdf
Camilla Mathison ISIMIP JULES simulations  -  JULES_2020_CamillaMathison_ISIMIP.pdf
Heather Rumbold             

Developing the next benchmarking system for JULES based on ModelEvaluation.org  -  jules_meeting_2020_HRumbold.pdf

Rachael Turton Questionnaire Feedback

Group Discussion:
            - Hydrology, Biogeochemistry and Vegetation
            - MIPS and impacts modelling
            Feedback on Virtual Science Meeting

Eleanor Blyth Closing Remarks


JULES Science Meeting 22-23rd July 2019, Univ. Edinburgh.

Eleanor Blyth Intro to meeting (welcome, logistics, etc)
     Session 1 (Eleanor Blyth)  
Emma Robinson / Sébastien Garrigues Evaluation of the JULES dual-source energy balance: impact on evapotranspiration over semi-arid and Mediterranean sites  -  1_JULES_meeting_ERobinson.pdf
Richard Essery Decadal snow cover trends in response to precipitation and temperature forcing  -  2_JULES_meeting_REssery.pdf
Robert King Modelling Sub-Canopy Temperature Profiles  -  3_JULES_meeting_RKing.pdf
Simon Dadson Hydro-JULES: Next Generation Land-surface and Hydrological Predictions  -  4_JULES_meeting_SDadson_Hydro-JULES.pdf
Azin Wright Soil Moisture Stress on Vegetation in JULES-Sinclair  -  5_JULES_meeting_AWright.pdf
Kate Halladay Land surface parameter sensitivity of tropical forest hydrological cycle in a perturbed parameter ensemble  -  6_JULES_meeting_KHalladay.pdf
     Session 2 (Richard Essery)  
Aliénor Lavergne Modelling historical changes in the water use efficiency of plants and ecosystems with different vegetation models  -  1_JULES_meeting_ALavergne.pdf
Rafael Rosolem From bedrock to boundary layer: Evaluating new JULES groundwater parameterisation  -  2_JULES_meeting_RRosolem.pdf
Eleanor Burke Configuration and evaluation of a northern high latitude version of JULES  -  3_JULES meeting_EBurke.pdf
Sarah Chadburn Representing peatlands in JULES  -  4_JULES_meeting_SChadburn.pdf
Garry Hayman Atmospheric Dry Deposition in JULES  -  5_JULES_meeting_GHayman.pdf
Frederick Otu-Larbi Effect of Summer 2018 Heatwave and Drought on Isoprene Emissions in a Mixed Decidous UK Forest  -  6_JULES_meeting_FOtu-Larbi.pdf
     JLMP and supported JULES configurations (Andy Wiltshire)  
Eleanor Blyth / Andy Wiltshire Introduction to the Joint Land Modelling Programme  -  1_JULES_meeting_EBlyth_AWiltshire_JLMP_MO.pdf
Pier Luigi Vidale Global Land  -  2_JULES_meeting_PLVidale_Global_Configurations.pdf
Andy Wiltshire Earth System Update  -  3_JULES_meeting_AWiltshire_JULES-ES.pdf
Doug Clark UK Hydrology  -  4_JULES_meeting_DClark_UK_config.pdf
Tristan Quaife Evaluation / Benchmarking  -  5_JULES_meeting_TQuaife.pdf
Patrick McGuire Systems / Platforms  -  6_JULES_meeting_PMcGuire_JLMP_Platforms_Systems.pdf
Chantelle Burton JULES-ES + fire  -  7_JULES_meeting_CBurton_JULES-ES+fire.pdf
Everyone Discussion
     Session 3 (Tristan Quaife)  
Cécile Ménard JULES configurations or 800 ways to make a mistake  -  1_JULES_meeting_CMenard_Edinburgh.pdf
Maggie Hendry An update on urban plans and making JULES friendly  -  2_JULES_meeting_MHhendry.pdf
Taraka Davies-Barnard Biological Nitrogen Fixation in JULES
Michael Wolffe Megacity Air Pollution and Food Security  -  4_JULES_meeting_MWolffe.pdf
Rob Parker Exploring Constraints on Wetland Methane Emission Ensemble with GOSAT  -  5_JULES_meeting_RParker_CH4_wetlands.pdf
     JPEG focus session (Debbie Hemming)  
Debbie Hemming JPEG overview  -  1_JULES_meeting_DHemming_JPEG.pdf
Anna Harper             

Soil moisture stress  -  2_JULES_meeting_AHarper_SMStress.pdf

Simon Dadson Inundation in JULES  -  4_JULES_meeting_SDadson_Inundation.pdf
Doug Kelley Tree mortality  -  3_JULES_meeting_DKelley_compressed.pdf
Everyone Discussion: Next steps for current JPEGs, proposal of future JPEGs
     Session 4 (Anna Harper)  
Darren Slevin Evaluating JULES and INLAND C fluxes using GEM/LBA data  -  1_JULES_meeting_DSlevin.pdf
Tristan Quaife Modelling Solar Induced Fluorescence from JULES  -  2_JULES_meeting_TQuaife.pdf
Ewan Pinnington Data Assimilation with JULES  -  3_JULES_meeting_EPinnington.pdf
Karina Williams Crop modelling with JULES  -  4_JULES_meeting_KWilliams.pdf
Emma Littleton JULES-BE: Representation of bioenergy cropping, harvests and forest management  -  5_JULES_meeting_ELittleton.pdf
  Closing words  / depart
     JULES Training Session run by Carolina Duran Rojas  


JULES Science Meeting 4-6th September 2018, Harper Adams University (HAU) and the Birmingham Institute of Forest Research (BIFoR).

There was a site visit to BIFoR at the end of the first day of the Science Meeting.

     Joint Land Modelling Programme (JLMP) and Supported JULES configurations  
Rob King / Chris Jones / Eleanor Blyth Introduction to meeting
Eleanor Blyth / Andy Wiltshire JULES governance and organisation, and the new Joint Land Modelling Programme  -  JLMP_Intro.pdf
Pier Luigi Vidale Configurations 1. JULES global physical configuration  -  JULES physical configurations-compressed.pdf
Eleanor Blyth Configurations 2. JULES Configuration for the UK  -  SummaryCHESSII.pdf
Andy Wiltshire Configurations 3. JULES Earth System Configuration: JULES-ES  -  AndyW_JULES-ES.pdf
Tristan Quaife JLMP and Evaluation Tools  -  JLMP_Evaluation_Tools_ESR.pdf
Margaret Hendry Meta data consolidation in rose suites for JULES  -  20180904_maggiehendry_tue2.2.pdf
Chris Jones JULES in UKESM1: an example of supported configuration -  ChrisJ_UKESM1_JULES_2018.pdf
  Visit to the BIFoR FACE facility
Robert King Using Satellite LST as a Biome Resilience Measure  -  JULES_2018_rob_king.pdf
Shugong Wang LIS-JULES benchmarking in the NLDAS Framework  -  LIS-JULES benchmarking in the NLDAS Framework (V2).pdf
Patrick McGuire Simulating Global and Local Land Surface Processes with JULES on the CEDA JASMIN Super-data-cluster link
Doug Kelley Optimising tile and bare soil albedo using Bayesian inference  -  albedo_JULES_2018.pdf
Hyeri Kim Response of JULES to urban parameters at a high-rise residential area in Korea  -  JULESmeeting_Sep2018_HyeriKim.pdf
Karina Williams             

Revisiting the First ISLSCP Field Experiment to evaluate water stress in JULES 5.0  -  karinawilliams_fife_wednesday_jules2018meeting.pdf

Camilla Mathison Progress towards simulating integrated impacts for South Asia Implementing sequential cropping in JULES  -  JULES_multicrop_presentation.pdf
Heesook Ji Improvement of river water storage in JULES using high resolution river-routing scheme  -  JULESmeeting_TRIP_f.pdf
Simon Dadson Introduction to Hydro-JULES  -  dadson_Hydro-JULES_050918.pdf
Hilary Ford Modelling and evaluation of forest ecosystem responses to elevated CO2 using land surface process models  -  HF JULES conf SEPT 2018_edit.pdf
Huiyi Yang Winter Wheat in JULES-Crop  -  HuiyiYang_Wwheat_c.pdf
Simon Jones Non-Structural Carbohydrates in JULES  -  Simon_Jones_NSC.pdf
Sarah Chadburn Methane emission from wetlands  -  chadburn_JULESmtg_2018_noextra.pdf
Kirsti Ashworth Strong sesquiterpene emissions from Amazon soils  -  Ashworth_SoilSQTs.pdf
Garry Hayman Atmospheric Dry Deposition in JULES  -  JULES_Deposition_Hayman_20180905.pdf
Colin Prentice Steps towards a next-generation land surface model  -  Prentice JULES 2018a.pdf
Toby Marthews A global scale evaluation of extreme events in the eartH2Observe project  -  180905.Marthews_E2O_slides.pdf
Sarah Shannon Global glacier volume projections under high-end climate change scenarios  -  ShannonJULES2018NoNotes.pdf
Richard Betts Projected impacts of climate change on large-scale water resources at 1.5°C, 2°C and 4°C global warming  -  betts_JULES_impacts_1p5_2_4.pdf
Edward Comyn-Platt JULES-IMOGEN and the Paris targets: A story of feedbacks, mitigation and inversion  -  EddyComynPlatt_JULES_AGM_2018_CLIFFTOP-CLUES-MOC1.5.pdf
Pier Luigi Vidale Increased water-use efficiency and reduced CO2 uptake by plants during droughts at a continental-scale.
     JULES Process Evaluation Group (JPEG) focus session  
Doug Kelley Introduction to JPEGs
Karina Williams Soil moisture stress JPEG: Soil moisture stress on vegetation in JULES  -  karinawilliam_jpeg_thursday_jules2018meeting-compressed.pdf
Pier Luigi Vidale Soil moisture stress JPEG: Sensitivity of plant water stress to the definition of global soil minerals and soil physical parameters
Colin Prentice Soil moisture stress JPEG: Quantifying soil moisture impacts on light use efficiency across biomes  -  Prentice JULES 2018b.pdf
Cleiton Eller Soil moisture stress JPEG: Modelling the responses of vegetation to drought with a Stomatal Optimization model based on Xylem hydraulics  -  wag_slides.pdf
Rich Ellis Offline/online JPEG: Understanding differences in JULES-UKESM offline vs online
Doug Kelley Vegetation JPEG: Biases in vegetation distribution and bare soil  -  Veg_JPEG_JULES_2018-compressed.pdf
Everyone Discussion: Proposal of future JPEGs, next steps for current JPEGs
  Closing words


JULES Science Meeting 26-28th June 2017, Met Office Exeter

The 2017 JULES Science Meeting was followed by a JULES-Rose training course, which included hands-on training in the use and development of JULES.

     Overview and technical  
Richard Essery Module overview: Surface
Anne Verhoef Module overview: Hydrology  -  Talk_2_module_2_Verhoef.pdf
Anna Harper Module overview: Vegetation  -  Talk_3_module_3_Harper.compressed.pdf
Sarah Chadburn Module overview: Biogeochemistry  -  Talk_4_module_4_Chadburn.pdf
Gerd Folberth Module overview: Biogenic fluxes  -  Talk_5_Module_5_Folberth.pdf
Eleanor Blyth Module overview: Evaluation  -  Talk_6_module_6_Blyth.pdf
Kerry Smout-Day Module overview: Technical  -  Talk_7_Module_7_Smout-Day.pdf
Martin Best What to do if you have a question about JULES  -  Talk_8_Technical_1_Best.pdf
Andy Wiltshire Getting your science into the Unified Model and part of the weather, climate and earth system models  -  Talk_9_technical_2_Wiltshire.pdf
Chris Jones The CSSP-Brazil project  -  Talk_1_overview_1_Jones.pdf
Jenn Brooke LIAISE: Land surface Interactions with the Atmosphere over the Iberian Semi-arid Environment  -  Talk_2_overview_2_Brooke.pdf
Kate Halladay The JULES integrated impacts configuration  -  Talk_3_overview_3_Halladay.pdf
Helen Johnson Representing the snow darkening effect of black carbon within the JULES land surface model  -  Talk_4_surface_1_Johnson.pdf
Rachael Turton Modelling the radiation balance of sparse forests with JULES  -  Talk_5_surface_2_Turton.pdf
Eleanor Blyth Vertical structure of the land cover and its importance in energy exchanges with the atmosphere  -  Talk_6_surface_3_Blyth.pdf
Edward Comyn-Platt Using JULES-IMOGEN to prescribe an emission/uptake pathway to the COP21 targets of 2°C and 1.5°C of warming  -  Talk_1_Vegetation_1_Comyn_Platt.pdf
Alex Rap Quantifying the natural aerosol diffuse radiation fertilisation effect on plant productivity  -  Talk_2_Vegetation_2_Rap.pdf
Felix Leung Quantify the impact of ozone on crops productivity using land surface model  -  Talk_3_vegetation_3_Leung.pdf
Peter Cook Modelling the changing water balance in West Africa  -  Talk_4_Hydrology_1_Cook.pdf
Huqiang Zhang Impacts of Land-Surface Initialisation on ACCESS Intraseasonal and Seasonal Forecasts  -  Talk_5_hydrology_2_Zhang.pdf
Emily Black Using JULES to provide seasonal forecasts of soil moisture deficit  -  Talk_6_hydrology_3_Black.pdf
Rafael Rosolem Are we over-complicating our models? Towards a more efficient and robust representation of sub-surface hydrological processes in Earth System Models  -  Talk_1_hydrology_4_Rosolem.pdf
Chloé Largeron Using JULES to simulate infiltration and surface runoff in situations of intense rainfall  -  Talk_2_hydrology_5_Largeron.pdf
Sebastien Garrigues Uncertainties in simulated evapotranspiration from land surface models over a 14-year Mediterranean crop succession  -  Talk_3_hydrology_6_Garrigues.pdf
Huw Lewis Tales from the JULES river bank  -  Talk_4_hydrology_7_Lewis.pdf
Toby Marthews JULES river routing and wetland inundation  -  170627_Exeter_River routing.pdf
Simon Dadson River discharge across Africa under present-day and mid-Holocene conditions
Doug Clark Development of JULES in the UKESM and LOCATE projects  -  Talk_1_Biogeochemistry_1_clark.pdf
Anita Ganesan Simulated δ13CH4 from high-latitude wetlands  -  Talk_2_Biogeochemistry_2_Ganesan.pdf
Sarah Chadburn Permafrost methane emissions: detailed site-level evaluation  -  Talk_3_Biogeochemistry_3_Chadburn.pdf
Eleanor Burke Permafrost nitrogen interactions in JULES  -  Talk_4_Biogeochemistry_4_Burke.pdf
T. Davis-Barnard Effects of ‘natural’ to ‘geoengineered’ nitrogen deposition on the carbon cycle  -  Talk_5_Biogeochemistry_5_Davis-Barnard.pdf
Garry Hayman Performance of the JULES land surface model for UK Biogenic VOC emissions  -  Talk_6_Biogeochemistry_6_Hayman.pdf
Chantelle Burton Interactive INFERNO  -  Talk_1_BGC_7_Burton.pdf
Douglas Kelley JULES-INFERNO in the Fire Model Intercomparison Project  -  Talk_2_Evaluation_1_Kelley.compressed.pdf
Richard Essery JULES performance in ESM-SnowMIP  -  Talk_3_Evalution_2_Essery.pdf
Heather Rumbold Evaluating and benchmarking land surface models  -  Talk_4_evaluation_3_Rumbold.pdf
Alberto Martínez de la Torre Evaluation of dry-down processes of global models (hydrological and LSMs) using flux tower evapotranspiration data  -  Talk_5_evaluation_4_Martinez.pdf
Darren Slevin Evaluating GPP at regional and global scales  -  Talk_6_evaluation_5_Slevin.pdf
     JULES Progress Evaluation Groups (JPEGs)  JPEG_Session_JULESmeeting_280617.docx  InterestedPeople.docx  Notes_JPEG_Session_JULESmeeting_280617.docx
Martin Best Introduction & session aims  -  JPEG_Session_JULESWorkshop_280616_1_Best.pdf
Karina Williams JPEG on soil moisture stress on vegetation  -  update_soil_moisture_stress_on_veg.pdf (also see here)
Sean Milton Global, regional & linking with GC developments  -  JULES-Science-PEG-2017_SMilton.pdf
Alistair Sellar Key aspects of land surface model for UKESM  -  JPEG_Session_JULESWorkshop_280616_4_Sellar.pdf
Debbie Hemming Summary of email survey & 2016 workshop - JULES process issues & biases  -  JPEG_Session_JULESWorkshop_280616_5_Hemming.pdf
Breakout groups and discussion led by Debbie Hemming Results have been posted by Debbie H here


JULES Science Meeting 28-29th June 2016, Univ. Lancaster

The 2016 JULES Science Meeting was followed by the JULES Short Course, which included hands-on training in the use of JULES. Lancaster was a new venue for the meeting, with the aspiration that it would catalyse fresh links with the land surface community working at the Lancaster Environment Centre and CEH Lancaster, as well as providing an update on recent developments and applications of JULES.

     Configurations and Overview  
Doug Clark JULES Update  -  Doug_Clark_JULES_2016_update.pdf
Richard Gilham Tools for JULES (Toby: this was a combination of this video and some of this tutorial text)
Chris Jones MIPS and iLAMB  -  Chris_Jones_JULES_2016_MIPs.pdf
Anna Harper The JULES Earth System Configuration for UKESM  -  Anna_Harper_JULES_2016_ESM.pdf
Colin Prentice Towards a universal model for ecosystem - atmosphere carbon and water exchanges  -  Colin_Prentice_JULES_2016_universal.pdf
     Vegetation and Disturbance  
Ning Dong Biophysical homoestasis of leaf temperature: a neglected process for vegetation and land surface  -  Ning_Dong_JULES_2016_LeafT.pdf
Stephane Mangeon INFERNO, an interactive fire and emission scheme now integrated in JULES  -  Stephane_Mangeon_JULES_2016_INFERNO-1-10.pdf -  Stephane_Mangeon_JULES_2016_INFERNO-11-20.pdf
Alex Rap Plant productivity response to diffuse radiation changes caused by secondary organic aerosol  -  Alex_Rap_JULES_2016_SOA.pdf
Tom Pugh Disturbance, mortality and turnover in global vegetation modelling  -  Tom_Pugh_JULES_2016_disturbance.pdf
Juhan Park Estimation of forest thinning effects by reduction of leaf area index in JULES LSM  -  Juhan_Park_JULES_2016_thinning.pdf
     Crops and Ecosystem Strategies  
Karina Williams Recent developments in JULES crop  -  Karina_Williams_JULES_2016_crop.pdf
Felix Leung Quantifying the impact of ozone on crops productivity at regional scale using JULES-crop  -  Felix_Leung_JULES_2016_ozone.pdf
Rebecca Oliver European carbon sink strength reduced by plant ozone damage  -  Ozone_JULES_rfu.pdf
Debbie Hemming Results from the first year of leaf/twig trait observations and ecosystem monitoring compared with site specific JULES runs at Mill Haft, the BIFoR experimental woodland in Staffordshire  -  Debbie_Hemming_JULES_2016_BIFoR.pdf
Elisa Stefaniak Exploring ecosystem investment strategies  -  Elisa_Stefaniak_JULES_2016_investment.pdf
Jessica Davies Integrating carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus plant-soil cycling for semi-natural systems
     Soil/Urban Processes including impacts on carbon  
Pier Luigi Vidale On the treatment of soil water stress in GCM simulations of vegetation physiology  -  beta_jules_mtng_vidale_jun16.compressed-1-11.pdf -  beta_jules_mtng_vidale_jun16.compressed-12-15.pdf -  beta_jules_mtng_vidale_jun16.compressed-16-22.pdf -  beta_jules_mtng_vidale_jun16.compressed-23-28.pdf
Sarah Chadburn Detailed evaluation of high latitude carbon cycle processes in JULES  -  Sarah_Chadburn_JULES_2016_highlat.pdf
Mostaquimur Rahman Influence of chalk hydrology on land surface processes in the UK  -  Mostaquimur_Rahman_JULES_2016_chalk.pdf
Heather Ashton The impact of high resolution soil on surface fluxes in JULES  -  Heather_Ashton_JULES_2016_soil.pdf
     Application of JULES  
Toby Marthews What JULES can tell us about change in the Horn of Africa bimodal rainfall region in 2014  -  Toby_Marthews_JULES_2016_aceafrica.pdf
Peter Cook The current and future water balance of West-Africa with focus on Northern Ghana and Burkina Faso  -  Peter_Cook_JULES_2016_water.pdf
Garry Hayman Deposition: Linking the land surface and atmospheric composition  -  Garry_Hayman_JULES_2016_deposition.pdf
Sanita Vetra-Carvalho Smart data assimilation with JULES in EMPIRE  -  Sanita_VetraCarvalho_JULES_2016_empire.pdf


JULES Science Meeting 30th June - 1st July 2015, Univ. Reading

H. Ashton Evaluation of the CHESS data within JULES for UK Environmental Prediction  -  ashton.pdf
J. Brooke Evaluating the Unified Model and JULES simulated land surface temperature (LST) using a multi-platform approach  -  brooke.pdf
E. Burke Permafrost climate feedback - an application of vertically discretised soil carbon  -  burke.pdf
S. Chadburn Vertically discretised soil carbon in JULES  -  chadburn.pdf
S. Dadson River Flow and Inundation in African Rivers  -  dadson.pdf
R. Essery New Benchmarks for Snow  -  essery.pdf
N. Gedney Detecting solar dimming in observed river flow  -  gedney.pdf
A. Harper JULES biogeochemistry: Update on model developments  -  harper.pdf
A. Harper Learning from the 2010 Drought in Amazonia  -  harper_amazon.pdf
G. Hayman JULES and Atmospheric Deposition  -  hayman.pdf
D. Hemming The BIFoR woodland FACE experiment - opportunities to evaluate and improve JULES  -  hemming.compressed.pdf
P. Hopcroft What can we learn from simulations of the last ice age with JULES  -  hopcroft.pdf
H. Johnson The dependence of land-atmosphere interactions on atmospheric parametrizations in the JULES/UM modelling system  -  johnson.pdf
S. Kumar Land surface modeling and data assimilation with the NASA Land Information System (LIS)  -  kumar.pdf
F. Leung Quantifying the impacts of tropospheric ozone on crop production at regional scale using JULES-Crop  -  leung.pdf
J. Lloyd Soils and tropical vegetation structure  -  lloyd.pdf
T. Marthews The 2014 drought in the Horn of Africa: attribution of meteorological drivers  -  marthews.pdf
C. Ménard Meteorological forcing, ancillary data and evaluation methods as sources of errors and uncertainty in JULES  -  menard.pdf
P. Peylin Recent evolutions of ORCHIDEE, progress toward a 3rd generation land surface model  -  peylin.pdf
M. Pryor JULES releases: Overview of JULES developments since the last meeting  -  pryor.pdf
E. Robinson MAJIC: Expanding access to JULES  -  robinson.pdf
S. Shannon Modelling glaciers in the JULES Integrated Impacts Model (JIM)  -  shannon.pdf
A. Verhoef A closer look at skin layer heat transfer in the surface energy balance  -  verhoef.pdf
G. Weedon Cross-spectral evaluation of JULES energy fluxes and soil moisture using half-hourly observations at the Met Office Research Unit, Cardington Bedfordshire  -  weedon-1-16.pdf -  weedon-17-32.pdf


JULES Science Meeting 1st-2nd July 2014, Univ. Leicester

S. R. Arnold Tropospheric ozone impacts on Eurasian ecosystems and climate forcing  -  Arnold.pdf
E. Burke JULES and permafrost  -  Burke.pdf
S. Chadburn A new JULES version with improved physical processes in the Arctic  -  Chadburn.pdf
D. Clark Update on JULES-ECOSSE-FUN  -  Clark.pdf
T. Davies-Barnard Quantifying the relative importance of natural and anthropogenic land cover changes in the Representative Concentration Pathways  -  Davies-Barnard.pdf
R. Essery Persistence of snow in forests and clearings  -  Essery.pdf
R. Gilham 50 Shades of Clay- JULES gets Soil Tiled  -  Gilham.pdf
A. Harper JULES: New plant functional types, vegetation dynamics and drought impacts  -  Harper.compressed-1-11.pdf -  Harper.compressed-12-19.pdf -  Harper.compressed-20-26.pdf
M. Johnson Evaluating DGVM performance for the Amazon basin with new baseline maps of tropical forest properties  -  Johnson.pdf
T. Jupp Fitting the seasonal cycle with adJULES  -  Jupp.pdf
J. Kaduk Analytical determination of the carbon cycle equilibrium in coupled climate and carbon cycle models  -  Kaduk.pdf
H. Lewis UK Environmental Prediction  -  Lewis.pdf
R. MacKenzie A new multi-disciplinary institute of forest research and a new ten-year+ experiment in environmental resilience...potential for future collaborative work  -  MacKenzie.pdf
A. Manrique-Suñén Photosynthesis limiting regimes  -  Manrique-Sunen.pdf
L. Papadimitriou JULES validation and flux partitioning for large-scale basins  -  Papadimitriou.pdf
M. Pryor (presented by R. Gilham) JULES versions  -  Pryor.pdf
T. Quaife Assimilating EO data into JULES  -  Quaife.pdf
A. Rap Deforestation fires increase Amazon forest productivity through changes to diffuse radiation  -  Rap.pdf
R. Rosolem It is now possible to measure soil moisture at sub-kilometer scale using cosmic-ray neutrons  -  Rosolem.compressed.pdf
H. Wang Modelling carbon dioxide flux at an intensively cultivated lowland peatland in East Anglia, UK  -  Wang.pdf
K. Williams JULES-crop - A generic parametrisation of crops in JULES  -  Williams.pdf
D. T. Young Representing urban vegetation in weather and climate models  -  Young.pdf


JULES Science Meeting 19-20th June 2013, Univ. Edinburgh

Meeting theme: "Forest Processes".

Matt Pryor, Martin Best, Richard Essery, Nic Gedney, Oliver Wild, Lina Mercado, Tom Osborne, Stephen Sitch, Mat Williams Module overviews  -  modules.pdf
Gianpaolo Balsamo Forest Processes and Land Surface Tiling in the ECMWF model  -  Balsamo.pdf
Paul Bartlett Modelling snow with CLASS – a Canadian perspective  -  Bartlett.pdf
Juliane Otto Forest and albedo in ORCHIDEE  -  Otto.pdf
Richard Essery Masking of snow albedo by forests in JULES and other models  -  Essery.pdf
Cécile Ménard Using JULES to understand the SMOS freeze/thaw product over a boreal landscape  -  Menard.compressed.pdf
Anne Verhoef On the treatment of soil water stress in LSM simulations of vegetation function  -  Verhoef.pdf
Darren Slevin Constraining JULES phenology using MODIS data - an evaluation at multiple FLUXNET sites  -  Slevin.pdf
Chris Jones Forests in JULES: sinks, spaghetti and spots  -  Jones.pdf
Andrea Manrique-Suñén JULES and CTESSEL: Representing carbon and energy fluxes in forests  -  ManriqueSunen.pdf
Mat Williams Global Data Assimilation for the Carbon Cycle: challenges, progress and the future  -  Williams.pdf
Stephen Sitch R.E.D. - Robust Ecosystem Demography Model: A New DGVM  -  Sitch.pdf
Allan Spessa Evaluating the Coupled Dynamic Vegetation‐Fire‐Emissions Model, LPJ‐GUESS‐SPITFIRE, against EO‐based Tropical Tree Biomass Data: Results and Implications for JULES  -  Spessa.pdf
Richard Gilham Fire in JULES - first steps  -  Gilham.pdf
Toby Marthews The TOPMODEL Topographic Index In JULES  -  Marthews.pdf
Heather Ashton The implementation of lateral flows in stand alone JULES  -  Ashton.pdf
Graham Weedon A spectral approach to assessing JULES performance: case study of late twentieth century discharge from the Thames Basin  -  Weedon.pdf


JULES Science Meeting 17-18th December 2012, Univ. Exeter

Simon Dadson Using JULES to look at processes in, and impacts of, African wetlands  -  Dadson.pdf
Nataliya Bulygina Adapting JULES for groundwater dominated catchments  -  Bulygina.pdf
Emily Black ICWALPA: Integrated Carbon, Water and Land Management for Poverty Alleviation  -  Black.compressed.pdf
Rutger Dankers ISI-MIP: new results from the latest intercomparison experiment  -  Dankers.pdf
Margriet Groenendijk Atmospheric constraints on plant water use efficiency in JULES  -  Groenendijk.pdf
Zed Zulkafli Large-scale hydrological modelling of the Peruvian Amazon basin  -  Zulkafli.pdf
Eddy Robertson JULES-ES configuration  -  Robertson.pdf
Heather Ashton The development of a coupled surface water inundation modelling system  -  Ashton.pdf
Federica Pacifico Implementation of a biogenic isoprene scheme into JULES and its evaluation  -  Federica.compressed.pdf
Homan Wong Geometric series solution to solve the spin-up problem of first-order based soil organic matter models  -  Homan.pdf
Eleanor Blyth, Declan Finney New representation of soil freezing in JULES: impact on river in Siberia  -  Finney.pdf
Tim Jupp, Cat Luke Parameter estimation using ADJULES  -  Jupp.pdf
Steve Hancock Using EO data to test JULES phenology  -  Hancock.compressed.pdf
Douglas Clark New representations of C and N processes in JULES (ECOSSE and FUN)  -  Clark.pdf
Anna Harper Exploring the representation of PFTs in JULES  -  Harper.compressed.pdf


JULES Science Meeting 12-13th January 2012, Univ. Reading

Martin Best JULES as a community model and land surface scheme for weather / climate models  -  best.pdf
Richard Betts Using JULES for impacts assessment to underpin UK and international climate policy  -  betts.pdf
Emily Black, Marie-Estelle Demory, Pier Luigi Vidale Canopy Interception in JULES  -  black.pdf
Eleanor Blyth Assessing the fidelity of the water balance of the JULES model at a 1km gridded scale across the UK  -  blyth.pdf
Eleanor Burke Impact of permafrost carbon release on global temperature  -  burke.pdf
David Galbraith Using JULES to evaluate the ecosystem dynamics of Amazonian rainforests  -  galbraith.pdf
Raquel García, Anne Verhoef, Pier Luigi Vidale Application of JULES for the assessment of the CO2 mitigation potential of horizontal GCHP  -  garcia.pdf
Steve Hancock Globsnow and JULES  -  hancock.pdf
Richard Harding JULES and the Terrestrial Global Water Cycle  -  harding.pdf
Chris Huntingford IMOGEN - A quick update  -  huntingford.pdf
Jason Lowe Applying climate science to stakeholder needs  -  lowe.pdf
Mark McCarthy Applying JULES in Urban areas  -  mccarthy.pdf
Tom Osborne JULES-crop  -  osborne.pdf
Andy Wiltshire The JULES impacts configuration  -  wiltshire.pdf


JULES Workshop June 2011, Univ. Exeter

The JULES meeting in June 2011 was conceived as a workshop dedicated to "Identifying and solving systematic errors in JULES". The first day consisted of a series of presentations introducing what are considered to be some of the larger systematic issues with JULES, followed by breakout discussion groups to brainstorm possible solutions. The second day was more practical, with the morning session being spent in the University of Exeter's computer labs trying out potential solutions using JULES (via the R interface developed by Tim Jupp and Cat Luke at the University of Exeter). The meeting concluded with a plenary session where the breakout groups reported back on the results of their experiments.

Peter Cox Structure and aims of the meeting
Chris Jones Land surface representation in HadGEM2-ES
Eleanor Blyth JULES performance against benchmark sites
Pier Luigi Vidale JULES shortcomings for GCM applications
Eleanor Burke Systematic errors over permafrost
Cécile Ménard Systematic errors in snow
Tim Jupp, Cat Luke Introduction to running JULES and ADJULES via R interface


JULES Science Meeting 12-13th January 2011, CEH Wallingford

     Soil Physics  
Anne Verhoef Principles of soil water and heat transfer in JULES  -  Verhoef.pdf
Richard Ellis Using satellite estimates of land surface temperature to assess the performance of the soil physics in JULES  -  Ellis.pdf
Rutger Dankers, Eleanor Burke Permafrost in JULES  -  Dankers.pdf
Jon Evans COSMOS - a new way of measuring soil moisture at the intermediate scale  -  Evans.pdf
David Robinson Soil Moisture Sequestration in Drylands: Ecosystem Engineering in Pinyon Juniper Woodland via Soil Water Repellency  -  Robinson.compressed.pdf
Raquel García González Modelling soil heat and water flow as a coupled process  -  Garcia.pdf
Simon Dadson Impacts of Climate Change on Erosion, Sediment Transport and Soil Carbon in UK & Europe  -  Dadson.pdf
Patricia de Rosnay Use of satellite data for land surface analysis at ECMWF  -  deRosnay.pdf
     Soil Carbon and Nitrogen  
Bridget Emmett Development of Jules for soils/ecosystem research  -  Emmett.pdf
Andy Whitmore Global Soil Organic Nitrogen  -  Whitmore.pdf
Neil Crout Model reduction and evaluation: methane emissions from soils  -  Crout.pdf
Matt Pryor JULES benchmarking and discussion on I/O  -  Pryor.pdf
Mark Richards JULES-ECOSSE methane model  -  Richards.pdf
Nic Gedney Modelling large-scale wetland methane emissions  -  Gedney.pdf
Homan Wong Spatial simulation of the impacts of climate change and land use change on soil carbon in ECOSSE in England and Wales  -  HomanWong.pdf
Andreas Heinemeyer Model inter-comparison of peat models  -  Heinemeyer.pdf


JULES Science Meeting 9-10th June 2010, Univ. Leeds

Olivier Boucher Welcome, meeting plan, introduction and updates  -  Boucher.pdf
Simon Dadson Links between climate, hydrology and geomorphology  -  Dadson.pdf
Pier Luigi Vidale Modelling soil heat and water flow as a coupled process  -  Vidale.pdf
Cécile Ménard Update on snow theme/shrub expansion  -  Menard.pdf
Josh Hooker JULES-crop  -  Hooker.pdf
Andy Challinor Holistic approaches to modelling crop productivity  -  Challinor.pdf
Catherine Van den Hoof Evaluation of the Suitability of the Land Surface Model JULES for Environmental Change Studies in Belgium  -  VandenHoof.compressed.pdf
Richard Betts JULES climate impacts  -  Betts.pdf
Matt Pryor JULES development and benchmarking  -  Pryor.pdf
Ben Booth From observational metrics to constraints  -  Booth.pdf
Tim Jupp Calibration of ADJULES  -  Jupp.pdf
Emanuel Gloor Trends in airborne fraction of CO2
Simon Lewis Tropical forests and links to JULES
Toby Marthews Productivity in cloud forests in the Andes  -  Marthews.compressed.pdf
Harry Harmens Impacts of ozone on vegetation: relevance for JULES
Kirsti Ashworth Biogenic emissions with MEGAN


JULES Science Meeting 17-18th June 2009, Met Office Exeter

     Welcome and Introduction  
Olivier Boucher Welcome and housekeeping announcements
Richard Betts Introduction to Impacts Theme
Nigel Arnell Global scale impacts
     Update on recent work in themes  
Mark McCarthy, Maggie Hendry Urban
Stephen Sitch Plant Physiology  -  Sitch.pdf
Tim Wheeler Crops
Allan Spessa Vegetation Dynamics  -  Spessa_Veg.pdf
Allan Spessa Fires  -  Spessa_Fire.pdf
Richard Essery Snow cover  -  Essery.pdf
Eleanor Blyth Surface Hydrology
Eleanor Blyth Soil moisture and temperature
Pete Smith Soil carbon and nitrogen  -  Smith.pdf
Mat Williams Data Assimilation
Tim Jupp Adjoint of JULES
Matt Pryor Benchmarking and JULES versions  -  Pryor.pdf

A large proportion of this meeting was given over to discussion groups. Richard Betts has assembled a document summarising the results of these discussions  -  JULES_Impacts_summary.pdf.


JULES Science Meeting 8-9th January 2009, Univ. Edinburgh

     Data Assimilation  
Marko Scholze CCDAS  -  Scholze.pdf
Tris Quaife Assimilating EO data into JULES  -  Quaife.pdf
Philippe Ciais Model data fusion with the ORCHIDEE model
David Pearson Estimation of Carbon Cycle Parameters in JULES  -  Pearson.pdf
Tim Jupp The adjoint of JULES
Mat Williams The REFLEX experiment
Cécile Ménard Effect of the new snow module on snow, runoff and soil temperatures  -  Menard.pdf
Simon Dadson Evaluation of regional simulations of snow cover over the Austrian Alps  -  Dadson.pdf
Andy Wiltshire High resolution process modelling of a high latitude catchment  -  Wiltshire.compressed.pdf
Rosie Fisher Why vegetation modelling depends on luck  -  Fisher.pdf
John Hughes Implementation of land cover changes…  -  Hughes.pdf
Richard Betts Does Amazon die-back mean it is not worth reducing deforestation?  -  Betts.pdf
     Crop modelling  
Catherine Van den Hoof Process-based Crop Growth within the Land Surface Model JULES and Implications for Land-Atmosphere Exchange Processes  -  VandenHoof.pdf
Oliver Sus Modelling the phenology and carbon budget of major crops at the field scale, supported by remote sensing data  -  Sus.pdf
Josh Hooker Coupling a dynamic crop model to JULES  -  Hooker.pdf
Tom Osborne Coupled crop-climate variability  -  Osborne.pdf


Second JULES Science Meeting 8-9th January 2008, CEH Wallingford

     Introduction to projects that involve JULES  
Rosie Fisher QUERCC  -  2008_Fisher_QUERCC.pdf
Juliette Lathière QUAAC  -  2008_Lathiere_QUAAC.pdf
Richard Harding WATCH  -  2008_Harding_WATCH.pdf
Chris Taylor AMMA  -  2008_Taylor_AMMA.pdf
     Description of physics modules currently in JULES  
Martin Best Surface Exchange  -  2008_Best.pdf
Richard Essery Snow Cover  -  2008_Essery.pdf
Nic Gedney Surface Hydrology and Soil Moisture & Temperature  -  2008_gedney.pdf
Stephen Sitch Plant Physiology  -  2008_Sitch.pdf
Rosie Fisher Vegetation Dynamics  -  2008_Fisher_TRIFFID.pdf
Pete Smith Soil carbon and Nitrogen  -  2008_Smith.pdf
     Description of physics modules planned for JULES  
Tim Wheeler Crop Modelling  -  2008_Wheeler.pdf
Juliette Lathière Biogenic Fluxes  -  2008_Lathiere.pdf
Colin Prentice Fire
Mathew Williams Data Assimilation  -  2008_Williams.pdf
     Science Talks  
Eleanor Blyth Benchmarking for JULES  -  2008_Blyth.pdf
Pier Luigi Vidale Data requirements  -  2008_Vidale.pdf
Rosie Fisher ED-JULES  -  2008_Fisher_ED.pdf
Robert Muetzelfeldt Representing JULES in XML  -  2008_Muetzelfeldt.pdf
Peter Cox What are the future big science questions for JULES?  -  2008_Cox.pdf

Breakout discussion groups followed the final presentation.


First JULES Science Meeting 28-29th June 2007, Univ. Exeter

     General Session  
Olivier Boucher JULES Introduction  -  Boucher.pdf
Doug Clark New features in JULES version 2  -  Clark.pdf
Ying Ping Wang Land surface modelling for ACCESS in Australia  -  Wang.pdf
Eva Kowalczyk The CSIRO Atmosphere Biosphere Land Exchange (CABLE)  -  Kowalczyk.pdf
Martin Best Surface exchange, Technical development and Validation  -  Best.pdf
Eleanor Blyth Modelling hydrology in JULES; past, present and future  -  Blyth.pdf
     Plant Physiology, Vegetation Dynamics and Crop Modelling  
Stephen Sitch Introduction - Plant Physiology, Vegetation Dynamics and Crop modelling  -  Sitch.pdf
Andrew Challinor Roots, shoots and leaves: The origin of GLAM(-JULES)  -  Challinor.pdf
Tom Osborne Incorporating crop growth modelling into JULES  -  Osborne.pdf
Rosie Fisher The Ecosystem Demography model  -  Rosie_Fisher.pdf
David Galbraith Vegetation Response to Drought  -  Galbraith.pdf
Lina Mercado Photosynthesis/Light interception
Jörg Kaduk Large scale green-up models determined from NDVI  -  Kaduk.pdf
Josh Fisher Modelling Plant Nitrogen  -  Josh_Fisher.pdf
     Soil Carbon, Nitrogen and Biogenic fluxes  
Pete Smith, Oliver Wild Introduction
Chris Jones, Pete Falloon, Jo Smith, Kevin Coleman, Bente Foereid, Stephen Sitch, Andy Whitmore Progress in coupling Soil C and N routines into JULES  -  Jones.pdf
Matt Aitkenhead, Bente Foereid, Jo Smith, Pete Smith Testing the soil C & N routines for use in JULES in the QUERCC project  -  Aitkenhead.pdf
Nick Ostle, Niall McNamara, Richard Bardgett, Eva Tregidgo, Margaret Glendining, Goetz Richter Soil C:N:P stoichiometry as a means to constrain decomposition  -  Ostle.pdf

Juliette Lathière

Modelling Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds from the Terrestrial Biosphere  -  Lathiere.pdf
Paul Young Effects of biogenic emissions on atmospheric composition  -  Young.pdf
Mhairi Coyle Trace Gas Deposition: The Land/Atmosphere Interface  -  Coyle.pdf
Allan Spessa Introduction - Fire in the Earth System  -  Spessa.pdf
Veiko Lehsten Modeling Fire on the African continent (SPITFIRE in LPJ-GUESS)  -  Lehsten.pdf
Richard Betts Development a prototype fire model for Hadley GCMs  -  Betts.pdf
Heiko Balzter Fires in Russian forests  -  Balzter.pdf
Susan Page Tropical Peatland Fires  -  Page.pdf
Oliver Wild Fires, Atmospheric Composition, and Earth System Feedbacks  -  Wild.pdf
Sergey Venevsky Experiments with SEVER-FIRE: Lessons for JULES fire modelling activities  -  Venevsky.pdf
     Snow and Hydrology  
Anne Verhoef The effects of soil hydraulic/thermal parameter choice on JULES land surface fluxes and variables; field scale studies
Pier Luigi Vidale Impact of the land surface in modelling climate: The importance of soil physical parameters - PDF
Richard Essery, Martin Best, Cécile Ménard JULES Snow Module Development  -  Essery.pdf
Andy Wiltshire Parameterising Heterogeneous Snowcover in JULES  -  Wiltshire.pdf
Chawn Harlow Microwave radiative transfer in a snow pack: Models and experimental objectives for Cold Land Processes Experiment II  -  Harlow.pdf
Rita Wania Peatlands and permafrost in LPJ-WHy  -  Wania.pdf
     Data assimilation  
Mathew Williams Data assimilation in land surface schemes  -  Williams.pdf
Tristan Quaife Assimilating canopy reflectance into an ecosystem model  -  Quaife.pdf


JULES Launch event 2nd October 2006, Univ. Reading

The meeting was attended by 60 scientists from across the UK (and one from the US). The morning saw examples of work and results by people who have used JULES. The afternoon was an overview of how senior scientists in the UK land surface modelling community see the development of JULES going over the next few years.

Eleanor Blyth (CEH, Wallingford) JULES overview - Blyth_JULES.pdf
Reto Stöckli (Colorado State Univ.) The validation of JULES against observational data  - stockli_jules_workshop2_1.pdf
Lina Mercado (CEH) Radiation penetration through plant canopies  - Lina_JULES.pdf
Andrew Wiltshire (Univ. Durham) Snow processes in JULES  - Wiltshire_JULES.pdf
Richard Ellis (CEH) Global impact of seasonal to inter-annual LAI  - Ellis_jules.pdf
Chris Jones (Met Office) The European carbon balance of the 20th Century  - Jones_JULES.pdf
Colin Prentice (Univ. Bristol) An overview of QUEST and the QUEST-ESM
Ian Woodward (Univ. Sheffield) QUERCC and JULES  - Woodward_JULES.pdf
Peter Cox (Univ. Exeter) The CLASSIC use of JULES  - Cox_JULES.pdf
Richard Harding (CEH) JULES in CEH  - Harding_JULES.pdf
Olivier Boucher (Met Office) JULES and the Met Office: future plans  - BOUCHER_JULES.pdf
Richard Betts (Met Office) Use of JULES for impact studies  - betts JULES impacts.pdf