JULES From Scratch is an alternative how-to for those who don't work on a system where Cylc, Rose and FCM have already been installed and/or can't use the Met Office Virtual Machine (e.g. for security reasons). I (Toby Marthews) wrote the first version of it in 2017. I'm also assuming little or no familiarity with any recent version of JULES.
I've been using JULES since 2008 when I was involved with a carbon cycle project at Univ. Oxford (which led to Marthews et al. 2012). During the first half of 2017 (now working at UKCEH) I rewrote and reorganised the JULES website (i.e. this website you are reading). As part of this, I created new pages there for all the JULES tutorials I could find (under Training) and a complete set of pages about how to get started using the model (under Getting Started).
JULES From Scratch is my tutorial for JULES. In order to follow it and get JULES running, you will need quite a few things in place on your system first (please check through this list of necessities). If you have all those in place, you just need to install a few programs on your Linux/UNIX system (see below) and you'll be good to go.