Dear All JULES Users,

JULESvn7.5 was released on 10th April 2024 (see email below and previous announcement on ).

For release notes and other details, please see . As mentioned below, also see for User Forums.

Many thanks!





From: The list of all JULES users <JULES-USERS@MAILLISTS.READING.AC.UK> on behalf of Richard Gilham
Sent: 11 April 2024 09:03


Dear all,


I'm happy to announce that JULES vn7.5 has now been released. Many thanks to all developers and reviewers for their efforts and contributions, and thank you for your patience over a longer than usual closed release period to facilitate changes elsewhere.


Documentation and Release Notes will follow shortly.


Also, a reminder that user forums are available for peer support here:

MetOffice/simulation-systems Jules · Discussions · GitHub


Code review deadline for the next releases will be 31st May.


Many thanks,


Rich, on behalf of the SSD Team


Dr Richard Gilham Simulation Systems and Deployment Team Manager (he/him)

Met Office FitzRoy Road Exeter Devon EX1 3PB United Kingdom