In order to use the JULES model, you need:


  • Access to a UNIX/Linux system either directly or through a remote shell client and X server (e.g. I use MobaXterm) with X11 forwarding (if you use "ssh -X" to access the server you're on, then X11 will be there, otherwise you'll have to find out how to ensure it's on, e.g. in MobaXTerm there is a check-box in the settings you need to make sure is ticked).
  •  - If you are using JASMIN then here are some specific notes that may be useful setting up MobaXterm: please note that these are scatty notes (!) If you find anything wrong then please tell me and I'll update the document - Toby.
  •  - UKCEH users see Y:\Approved Software\MobaXterm\MobaXterm - How to Install and set up a session..pdf for some helpful info in setting this bit up
  •  - If you have a laptop/PC but do not have access to a UNIX/Linux system through the institution where you work, then you only really have two options:
  •         (1) Install your own GNU/Linux environment (see here for the 10 most popular distributions, with screenshots; also I suggest you register on LinuxQuestions too) or
  •         (2) Use JASMIN, which is a UK computer cluster that is available for anyone to use as long as you register (whether or not you are based in the UK, and you don't need to be a student either). However, JASMIN also requires you to have a few more things in place: see here.
  • If you have access to a Linux/UNIX system, check what server system you are on (you may need to know) by typing "cat /etc/os-release".
  • text editor on UNIX: e.g. on Monsoon you have nedit and on JASMIN you can use geany (vi or vim are also on both platforms if you like those: find out which text editor is installed using " apropos "text editor" ").
  • You will also need Python installed on UNIX (at least version 3.0).
  • MOSRS login (see here) (this is free to everyone, whether in the UK or not, but you will need to have an affiliated email address (i.e. not a GMAIL or other personal email address: one provided by an academic or private institution)
  • JULES is written in Fortran, so you will need a Fortran compiler. The two alternatives with best support across the JULES Community are Intel (the ifx/ifort compiler) and GCC (the gfortran compiler**). You will need to choose one of these options, most likely dictated by what is available on the computer system you are using for JULES. Therefore, check with your IT administrator on this point before proceeding.

  • You will need NetCDF libraries on UNIX (ones that correspond to the compiler you are using). It is true that you should be able to do ASCII-driven point runs without NetCDF libraries, but all gridded runs of JULES require NetCDF libraries, so unless you are 100% sure that you will never need to do a gridded run, get these installed from the start. Installing NetCDF is too fiddly to go through here: see here and/or ask your System Administrator for help if they haven't been installed or not completely installed.


If you have got all that, then you are good to go!


Also, please subscribe to the email support lists (see here).


** If using gfortran, it must be at least vn4.9.2 (n.b. since JULESvn5.2 the compilation requires the -std=f2003 flag for compliance with F2003 and for versions of gfortran before 4.9.2 this will trip a fatal run-time error while trying to read the namelists).